Saturday, June 25, 2011

Schola: July Calendar

Saturday Mass (8:15AM) (Warm - up at 7:40)
July 2, 16, 30

Kyrie XI
Gospel Accl.
Sanctus XVIII
Mysterium Fidei and Amen
Agnus Dei XVIII
Qui Manducat (7/2)
Introibo ad Altare (7/16)
Adoro te Devote (7/30)
Salve Regina

At Resurrection Church
Saturday Mass (9AM) (Warm-up starts at 8:30)
July 9, 23

Kyrie XI
Gospel Accl.
Sanctus XVIII
Mysterium Fidei and Amen
Agnus Dei XVIII
Introibo ad Altare
Salve Regina

At St. Martin's (Little Sisters of the Poor)
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 17, 10:30 AM (warm-up at 10AM)

Introit (Entrance Proper) : (schola)
God himself is my help. The Lord upholds my life.
I will offer you a willing sacrifice; I will praise your name,
O Lord, for its goodness.

Kyrie (857)

Gloria (858)

Responsorial Psalm:
Lord, you are good and forgiving.

Gospel Acclamation:
Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth;
you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom.

Offertory Proper: (schola)
Sweeter are they than honey, than honey from the comb.
In them your servant finds instruction.

Sanctus (859)

Mysterium Fidei (priest)
Mortem tuam annuntiamus Domine,
et tuam resurrectionem confitemur, donec venias
(We proclaim Thy death, O Lord, and we confess
Thy resurrection, until Thou comest.)

Doxology: Amen

Agnus Dei (862)

Communion Proper: (schola)
The Lord keeps in our minds the wonderful things he has done.
He is compassion and love; he always provides for his faithful.

Communion Hymn: In His Temple Now Behold HIm (609)

Recessional Hymn: Salve Regina (708)

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